🌐Space Pugs Ecosystem

SPACE PUGS V2 ▫️ Large front facing innovative PFP Art! ▫️ Custom V2 Pug Creation. ▫️ Entries to our Monthly Raffle. ▫️ Access to our V2 Pug Weekly Raffle. ▫️ Discount on Personal Training. ▫️ Discount on Our Poker Platform. ▫️ 16 Freerolls per week. ▫️ Deflationary Mechanisms from multiple sources. ▫️ Stake to earn $pugchip. ▫️ 500 V2 cut from collection to go Cross Chain. POKER HAND / SE PERKS ▫️ Discount on Our Poker Platform. ▫️ Deflationary mechanism for Poker Hands TBA ▫️ Access to our V2 Pug Weekly Raffle. ▫️ Stake to earn $pugchip.

$PUGCHIP UTILITY ▫️ Use on our Custom Poker Platform - Tournaments - Freeroll Re-entries. ▫️ Use to Create: Custom Pug Creation. ▫️ Use for 1 to 1 Personal Training. ▫️ Use On @CardanoCasino V2 Pug slot machines - @MutantNFTs Raffles.

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